All Brands, DVT Pump, HealthCare, Zimmer Biomet
Zimmer Biomet Vasopress DVT Pump
The Zimmer Biomet VasoPress DVT pump propels the venous blood out of the deep veins while the patient is undergoing surgical procedures or is immobile for an extended period of…
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CIN: U51909DL2013PTC262006 | GSTIN: 07AAICM9747P1ZH
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade-Certificate No.: DIPP53325
Udyog Aadhaar Number: DL09E0001351

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CIN: U51909DL2013PTC262006
Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade-Certificate No.: DIPP53325
Udyog Aadhaar Number: DL09E0001351