Sunset Aria, Virtuoso, Duet, Quartet Foam Filter

Aria foam filter captures particles as small as 0.3 microns, Virtuoso foam filter captures dirt and dust particles in vacuum cleaners, Duet foam filter captures mineral deposits in humidifiers, and Quartet foam filter captures debris in swimming pool filters. All are made of polyurethane foam, are easy to install and maintain, and offer high efficiency and durability. These foam filters are affordable, and effective, and help improve the quality of the air or water in your home or environment.

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Aria, Virtuoso, Duet, and Quartet are all different models of foam filters used in various products. Foam filters are typically made of polyurethane foam and are designed to capture dust, dirt, and other small particles from the air.

Here is a brief overview of each of the filters you mentioned:

  1. Aria Foam Filter: The Aria foam filter is used in air purifiers and is designed to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns in size. This filter is often used in homes to help reduce the amount of indoor air pollution.
  2. Virtuoso Foam Filter: The Virtuoso foam filter is used in vacuum cleaners and is designed to capture dirt and dust particles as they are sucked up into the vacuum. This filter helps to prevent those particles from being released back into the air.
  3. Duet Foam Filter: The Duet foam filter is used in humidifiers and is designed to capture mineral deposits and other impurities that can build up in the water used to create the humidifying mist. This filter helps to keep the humidifier running efficiently and can help to prevent mineral buildup in the humidifier’s components.
  4. Quartet Foam Filter: The Quartet foam filter is used in swimming pool filters and is designed to capture dirt, leaves, and other debris as the water is circulated through the filter. This filter helps to keep the pool clean and clear.


  1. Aria Foam Filter:
  • High-efficiency filter that captures particles as small as 0.3 microns
  • Typically used in air purifiers
  • Made of high-quality polyurethane foam
  • Easy to install and replace
  1. Virtuoso Foam Filter:
  • Designed to capture dirt and dust particles as they are sucked up into the vacuum cleaner
  • Typically used in vacuum cleaners
  • Made of durable polyurethane foam
  • Easy to clean and reuse
  1. Duet Foam Filter:
  • Helps to capture mineral deposits and other impurities in the water used to create the humidifying mist
  • Typically used in humidifiers
  • Made of high-quality polyurethane foam
  • Helps to prevent mineral buildup in the humidifier’s components
  • Easy to clean and reuse
  1. Quartet Foam Filter:
  • Helps to capture dirt, leaves, and other debris in swimming pool water
  • Typically used in swimming pool filters
  • Made of high-quality polyurethane foam
  • Helps to keep pool water clean and clear
  • Easy to clean and reuse


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